Barcelona’s central Mosque

Bismillahi ar Rahmani Raheem

Catalonia in recent decades has seen its Muslim population grow exponentially  becoming usual the presence of Muslims even in the small towns of the territory with the consequent growth in the number of musalas across its territory.

DSCN2357Barcelona, as its capital and a cosmopolitan city of great dynamism, home to the majority of this population and a large number of these musalas, there are in the city arround  fifteen in the different neighborhoods where Muslims from different backgrounds, Morocco, Pakistan, Senegal and Gambia, Syria, Palestine etc are concentrated. This rapid increase in the Muslim population has led to a lack of decent facilities to suit their needs,to the extent of having to do four shifts for yumua in some mosques, that do not meet the necessary conditions of evacuation for this capacity . Most of these are musalas located in residential buildings without adequate conditions of safety and accessibility, causing the logical discomfort  both for users and for the neighborhood. Besides the city lacks a suitable place for the prayers of the two ids and the specific practices of  Ramadan as the tarauih prayers . This dispersion makes it difficult to have a clear line of reference for Muslims, favoring   the growth of activist factions without a basic knowledge of the deen. The city requires this center of reference that serves as a place of exchange, so that migrants can learn the language and customs of their host country as well as for people who are interested in learning about Islam and its various cultural expressions. Is  also needed a teaching center for the training of imams and experts in the various sciences of the deen and the  European reality and well trained to implement Sharia rules in the current context.

Barcelona being as it is a cosmopolitan and with a significant role, in both the Mediterranean and internationally, needs a mosque worthy of his well known taste for architecture, which will put it on a leading role in the increasingly indispensable dialogue between countries bordering the Mediterranean.
Accordingly, and for the responsibility we have as indigenous Muslims and therefore hosts, “La comunidad islámica en España” proposes the construction of the central mosque of Barcelona taking advantage of the experience gained in building the “Mezquita mayor de Granada”.

espana barcelona mosque 2The mosque includes a centre that serves the Muslim community, with a madrassa to study the Arabic language, the Qur’an, fiqh, and all knowledge necessary for the formation of imams and a library and support services. A cultural center to present Islam to those who are interested, with a conference hall and other spaces that facilitate social interaction, such as a cafe, bookstore, etc.. And a waqf to cover the expenses necessary for its operation.

We ask Allah for His assistance in carrying out this project successfully as there is no strength nor power but in Him.